Heading for the hospital/surgical center

When the day arrives, you may be feeling a little anxious. We want to help you feel prepared. Here are some reminders of things to do before you head out the door.

What to expect the day of surgery

The team at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children has prepared a series of videos to have keep you informed. Often, watching the videos provided can reduce anxiety for you and your child. Call the Child Life Specialists at (720) 754-7717 if you have any additional questions or concerns about a pediatric hospitalization.

What to Expect Day of Pediatric Surgery

Before you leave

Plan to arrive about 2 hours before the surgery is scheduled unless otherwise instructed. Review the map of the hospital campus location. Call before you leave if you have any questions about how to get to the hospital/surgical center.

Allow plenty of time for leaving the house. Make sure you have that favorite toy or blanket, as well as games and books to occupy your child once you arrive in case there's a short wait. Also bring something for you to read or do while your child is in surgery.

Make sure you have all insurance information or medical records you'll need.

If you know your child is staying overnight, you'll want to prepare an overnight bag, for your child and yourself.

This is also a good time to go over the anticipated steps with your child in an upbeat, optimistic way.


The admitting area is located near the front entrance.

Usually, you can speed the registration process by pre-registering. If this was not done at the time of scheduling surgery, you may pre-register by calling the hospital or surgical center. You'll need to have both personal and insurance information ready to give to the admitting staff.

If you don't pre-register, be sure to have personal and insurance information with you when you arrive.

At the time your child is admitted, you will be asked to sign a general consent form which allows us to care for your child and to relay information to his or her physician(s) and insurance company. You will also be asked to sign an additional, separate consent form for your child's surgery. (Your physician can explain this form to you when you discuss your child's surgical procedure.)

You and your child will receive an identification bracelet at the time of admission.